It was the last Friday before December and shops were getting prepared for it.

Commonly known as Black Friday, the prices are slashed and the discounted are huge but stock is normally limited.

Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving Day in the United States (the fourth Thursday of November) since 1932.

It has been regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season in the U.S.

For us here in the UK it’s a new term when it comes to cheap items, it was first seen here in 2013 at the popular retailer ASDA.

Every year some people take things too far and the crazy discounts drive people to doing things they wouldn’t normally do for a TV.

The first year Britain got Black Friday there was reports of fights and riots for the smallest of items.

There was one shocking story in 2014 of a man getting crushed by a large LED TV falling from the shelfs, so you need to be willing to muscle in for them deals.

A hotel chocolat shop floor worker said; “its black Friday and its not as busy as I thought it would have been, I’m glad its not packed thought”

She added; “its just really upsetting to see the videos of what its like in America. People die just from shopping its stupid to even think about that happening but it does.”